warm up

《warm up》怎以读

英 [wɔ:m ʌp]
美 [wɔrm ʌp]

《warm up》是什么意思

  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    warm up

    • n.exercising in preparation for strenuous activity


    • v.
      • run until the normal working temperature is reached
      • become more friendly or open
      • get warm or warmer


      • cause to do preliminary exercises so as to stretch the muscles
      • make one's body limber or suppler by stretching, as if to prepare for strenuous physical activity

        同义词:limber uploosen up

    学习《warm up》怎么用


    1. The climate of that area has been warming up.
    2. The ice melts gradually as the weather gets warm.
    3. His witticisms souped up the talks.
    4. He livened up the party by telling a joke.
    5. Christensen does his usual push-ups to warm up.
    6. The coach warmed up the players before the game.


    Warm up.
    Comprehensive warm-up programme to prevent injuries in young female footballers: cluster randomised controlled trial
    Complex Chemistry in Star-Forming Regions: An Expanded Gas-Grain Warm-up Chemical Model
    Warm up II: performance changes following active warm up and how to structure the warm up
    The role of warmup in muscular injury prevention
    Effect of warm-up and flexibility treatments on vertical jump performance.
    Effect of warm-up on the standing broad jump in trained and untrained men and women
    Effect of a submaximal half-squats warm-up program on vertical jumping ability
    The influence of stretching and warm-up exercises on Achilles tendon reflex activity
    Thermoregulation in bumblebees II. Energetics of warm-up and free flight
    上一篇:warm to
    下一篇:warm up exercise